Michigan Sting | Michigan's Elite Senior Men's Hockey Club


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HAWKS –  Very talented squad.  Love the offense and defense!  A team to be reckoned with.

BRUINS –  Oh – this team will put the puck in the net!  I would assume excellent puck stopper Kris Arthur will see plenty of action his way!

HABS –  Team to beat in my humble opinion.  This team will put crooked numbers up on the scoreboard!  Defenseman are sound fundamentally and active.  Goalie has a stellar resume!

WINGS –  Going to be a long season for this underwhelming squad.  Of course Zach will light it up!  But then what?  Putting points on the board will be at a premium.  Defenseman are excellent!  Good puck movers and very dangerous.  Goaltending is very competent but also at times very combustable!

FLYERS –  This team will score!  Question is – how long will it take longtime Hawks Captain Robbie Olmstead to not pass the puck to a dark jersey!  Ha ha!  Defenseman are physical and active.  Very steady goaltending.

SHARKS –  Nice squad.  The offense has scoring ability, speed and the willingness to muck it up!  Defenseman are a good group of defenders.  Goalie also has the ability to raise his game when appropriate!


About Us

Michigan Sting is a premier men’s ice hockey club located in Troy, Michigan. Since our establishment in 2004, we have grown into one of the largest and most successful senior hockey clubs in the Midwest. With two competitive leagues, we offer opportunities for players (35+) to compete and enjoy the game we love.

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