Michigan Sting | Michigan's Elite Senior Men's Hockey Club


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FLYERS   3    HABS   2

Jimmy “Jets” Galloway breaks a 2-2 tie with a late final period game winning goal!  Billy “The Dark” Knight and sub Dave “Beach Boy” Wilson with first period goals for the Flyers.  Rob Rowling and Scott Chodun score for the Frenchmen.  Both goalies – Flyers sub Billy Knight’s son and Billy Schaugg with tantalizing games in nets!  Shades of the 70’s, as both teams total twelve penalties in the game and both teams have players ejected.  Outspoken Habs defenseman Lloyd Rogers with three penalties and a two and ten minute unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.  Flyers sub “Smiling” Scott Davenport with three penalties, along with ten and four minute unsportsmanlike conduct infractions.  Habs defenseman Jack Leavy with a solo roughing minor penalty.  The penalty box doors were busy this game!

WINGS   6    BRUINS   4

A back and forth game as the Wings prevail!  Steve Bayagich and playing like his days at the Catholic liberal arts college in Wisconsin just outside of Green Bay – St. Norberts – “Angry” Joey Ventimiglio both with two goal games.  “Angry” Joe was hopping, as he had several more great quality chances to score!  Singles for defenseman Chad Wooten and Ryan Boyette.  Dr. Nate showed up for the Bruins – but the rest of his teammates were MIA in this game!  Dr. Nate with all four Bruins goals!  With the Bruins down 6-4 and five minutes left on the running curfew clock, Wings Captain Ryan Boyette makes two special trips to the Bruins bench and informs the three Bruins forwards sitting there – “Your guys game are done – you won’t see the ice anymore this game!”  Problem is – I knew he was correct and could not even offer a profane rebuttal. He was correct and the score stayed the same – 6-4 – Wings.

HAWKS   6    SHARKS   2

Another wild game as the Hawks dismantle the Sharks minus Billy Mac Jr., who suffered a broken foot last week.  Hawks sub Rob Duff with a two goal game and three helpers.  Singles for John Shelton, Marty Papesh and JP.  Timmy “Dutch” Schultz and Eddie Sudzina score for the Fish.  Sharks center “Downtown” Jimmy Brown with a hat trick penalty game and early game exit.  Pierre Dugas(High Sticking) and the Hawks Mike “King of the Road” Miller(Roughing) exchange unpleasantries and a trip to the box.  They both made nice together in the parking lot following today’s games.

WINGS   7    HAWKS   3

The Wings sweep for the day and hand the Hawks their first loss of the playoffs!  Deuces wild for Steve Bayagich and Mike “Padre” Nalepa.  Singles for “Angry” Joe, Steve Bittner and Chad Wooten.  Wings sub net-minder Darren Clark was outstanding in both games today!  John “Shifty” Shelton, Brian Moore and sub Paul Erickson tally for the Hawks.

FLYERS   4    SHARKS   3

Flyers sweep and the Sharks go the opposite direction today!  Joey Reiss with the trick for the Flyers!  Sub Scott Davenport with the final period game winning goal.  Mike Riddle(2) and Jeff Ivory score for the Sharks.  Minor roughing penalties abound, as Pat “The Beast” Wosek and “Midtown” Mikey Brown, followed by  Mike T. Brown and Mike Riddle take turns slamming the penalty box door!

HABS   6     BRUINS   6

Whoa!  How do you stop this guy?  Scoring machine Mr. Rob Rowling with three goals on one shift in the first period – then he scores twice on one shift in the final period for a five goal game!  The Rowling Rules did not work for the Bruins in this game!  Scott Chodun also scored for the Habs.  Chris Isola(2), “Old Man” Jack Prioux, John McNeilly(Also 3 Helpers), Craig Bastuba and Dr. Nate score for the Bruins.  A very scary situation occurred as Habs forward Robbie Olmstead was chasing a loose puck just as Bruins goalie Dar was charging out of his net for the puck.  Both players violently collided and ended up in the prone position – Olmstead in the corner and Dar in front of his net.  Dar was down for around five minutes, but got back up and completed the game.  Still feeling the effects of the collision, Dar was seen in the passenger seat of his yellow Vet leaving the parking lot.


Another list off the top of my head.
What do the below former Red Wings have in common?
Paul Woods
Guy Charron
Ted Harris
Danny Grant
Mickey Redmond
Rogie Vachon
Doug Harvey
Bryan “Bugsy” Watson
Phil Roberto
Chris Chelios
Mathieu Schneider
Red Berenson
Terry Harper
John Chabot
Scroll down for the answer.
They all STARTED their NHL career with the Montreal Canadians.


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Michigan Sting is a premier men’s ice hockey club located in Troy, Michigan. Since our establishment in 2004, we have grown into one of the largest and most successful senior hockey clubs in the Midwest. With two competitive leagues, we offer opportunities for players (35+) to compete and enjoy the game we love.

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