Michigan Sting | Michigan's Elite Senior Men's Hockey Club


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Power winger Jeff Morton scores the winning goal for the Flyers as the puck deflects in off his shin pad.  Kevin Maguire with the Flyers first tally.  Sub goalie Haines was excellent between the pipes.   Jeff Tracy with the lone Bruins goal.

SHARKS   4   HAWKS   2

General Robert E Lee led his charges this game, with the hat trick and a great pass for right winger Doug Wargo’s goal.  Sniper Ronnie Meltsner with both Hawks goals.  You play this game long enough and you see something that you have never seen before!  The Hawks received a too many men on the ice penalty, when their player did not leave the penalty box before the player on the bench jumped on the ice!  Unbelievable!  

WINGS   5   HABS   2

The battle for first place as both teams were tied entering the game!  Jimmy George with the deuce for the Wings.  Singles for Mark Smyth, John Perini and Paul Violassi.  “Ticker” shined in nets.  Kenny Wilkins and sub Matt Lawson with French goals.  

BRUINS   4    WINGS   3

The Bruins play a great game and upend the speedy Wings!  Steve Lemieux, Jeff Tracy, Mark “Jeff” Lynn and Dougie Roehl tally for the men in yellow.  Goalie Mike Schlimgen was stellar in nets!  John Perini, Paul Violassi and in the upcoming Holiday spirit – Al Sparks score for the Wings.

HABS   4   SHARKS   3

With this Habs victory and the Wings game two loss, we now have a tie for the top spot, with one week remaining before the playoffs.  Mike Ala goes twine twice for the Habs.  Singles for Don Courtley and sub Matt Dawson.  “Sugar” John Marchin with an excellent game in nets!  Having the time of his life playing right wing and being the beneficiary of Rob Lee’s great passing – former defenseman Doug Wargo with a two goal game!  Big Ben Haynes with the Sharks middle marker.  

HAWKS   3   FLYERS   1

The Hawks snap their five game losing streak as they surprise the Flyers!  Left winger Curt Lesnau breaks the 1-1 tie, as he fakes a snap shot and then buries it low far side!  Doug Beck and Billy Hagen(EN) with singles.  Goalie Bobby Rutkoske with a great game between the pipes!  Sammy Bonanno with the Flyers goal in this penalty free game. 


Which player has played the most NHL games?
It is NOT Gordie!

Patrick Marleau – 1,779 NHL games.  

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Michigan Sting is a premier men’s ice hockey club located in Troy, Michigan. Since our establishment in 2004, we have grown into one of the largest and most successful senior hockey clubs in the Midwest. With two competitive leagues, we offer opportunities for players (35+) to compete and enjoy the game we love.

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